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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prince Albert Tobacco Tins

CA Before 1940: Tin process patented on July 30, 1907. Tobacco Tin/ Tobacciana. Prince Albert Crimp Cut Long Burning Pipe & Cigarette Tobacco Tin. These tins were manufactured in Winston Salem, North Carolina U.S.A. ,the same location where the tobacco was processed -at the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (which is still open today). Coloring: Red, Black, White, Yellow."DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE"


  1. What are these worth? Email me at mrb1035@gmail.com

  2. Mackenzie, The can with this reverse has an average retail value of $35.00 in the Pittsburgh region. There is a version of the can with the Prince Albert Silhouette(Front) on both sides which is worth significantly less. I've seen them as low as $4.00 and up to $9.00
