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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1962 (Cold War Era) Fallout Shelter Sign, Mint Condition

As tensions mounted between the United States and the Soviet Union during the cold war era, the threat of a third world war involving the use of nuclear weapons became a very real possibility to many Americans. Pennsylvania was a leading industrial materials manufacturing state at the time, with Pittsburgh being revered for high quality steel. Fallout shelters became common place. Slogans like “Duck and Cover” filled the radio waves. Albert Einstein perhaps said it best, ““I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” It is not at all unusual to see these signs on older Pennsylvania buildings, especially gymnasiums, churches, schools, or banks. Typically years of weathering erodes the black colors from the sign and the yellow is faded to orange if not completely aluminum colored. It is extremely rare to find one in mint condition. This particular sign was produced sometime after June 5, 1962. It was originally mailed from Fort McHenry in Baltimore, MD. To Fort Indiantown Gap in Annville, PA. for distribution. Value for a mint condition sign can be from anywhere between $20.00 and $95.00. Please note that the signs are very thin. Special precaution and tools should be used when removing a vintage/weathered sign from an abandoned building as it is likely that damage to the sign will be incurred.